If you dream of having a large and luxurious 5-star bathroom, but are not lucky enough to have so much space in your home, then you are probably wondering how to spruce it up. A small bathroom can be a real misfortune when it comes to cleaning and maintenance and its narrow shower space probably drives you mad sometimes. Although a remodeling can be a true challenge if you are not a professional, there are some things you can do to improve your tiny bathroom. With the suitable approach you will be able to both enjoy its benefits (it is easier to heating up, for example) and make it feel more spacious. Plus, you will enjoy more your showers and you will spend less time cleaning after.
Rounded shapes
Never forget that tighter space often means more frequent bumping into things and sharp edges are extremely painful, especially on your wet, just showered body. Replacing you foursquare bathroom furnishings with round ones will help you make the space more secure and will guarantee you showers that are pain-free. Another advantage of round shapes is that bathroom cleaning will start to take you lees efforts and maybe even less money. Who can resist a welcoming bathroom where you can relax knowing that keeping it clean and fresh will be a breeze?
Counter space
Working on this, combined with the mentioned rounded shapes will certainly deliver great results when it comes to remodeling your miniature bathroom into a more practical and spacious one. A simple solution is to add stone or wood which will refurbish your bathroom, providing it with more storage space. The clean lines of the counter will not obstruct your space and you may even get rid of that unwieldy cupboard by taking your towels, shampoos and accessories outside and arranging them into a spa basket. This will not only free a lot of room, but it will also bring a totally new spirit to the once dull and distressed bathroom of yours. We bet that this remodeling will undoubtedly please every woman on this planet.
Shower curtains
An amazing idea that will give more character to your bathroom and free some of your valuable space at the same time is replacing the shower door with a vivid shower curtain. Shower tubs are also practical for smaller bathrooms requiring much less room than a shower cabin. They will allow you to improve the utilization of your bathroom’s space without leaving you feel imprisoned. Another benefit is that every time you buy a new curtain, your bath will be having a brand new image.
If your bathroom’s floor plan allows it, you can easily utilize your space by replacing the old sink with a corner one. It is way more practical and looks equally good. This will make it easier for you to open and close your shower door without using yoga moves. Filling the corners will also allow less space for mould to build up and will spare you the hours of cleaning mildew from the grouts. Limited space can be fought with clever design solution and making use of corners is definitely such.