Keeping a carpet clean is not only healthy, it also prolongs its life, and with carpet not being cheap, it makes sense to maintain it. The heavy traffic areas of a busy house or office can quickly become worn, yet will stand up to the constant pressure better, if regularly cleaned. Despite the high maintenance, carpets are popular flooring solutions, offering a level of softness and warmth, especially in colder climates.

carpet cleaning

Carpet material

Carpets are made from a range of materials, such as,

* Polypropylene
* Nylon
* Wool
* Polyester
* Acrylic

Polypropylene is a plastic polymer widely used in the carpet industry, and has other applications outside of carpets, such as, reusable containers, labelling and packaging, automotive components, and even in banknotes.

Dry clean vs wet clean

Dry carpet cleaning – Very low moisture (VLM) systems that use chemicals to remove dirt, grime, stains, and allergens from carpet fibres. This method returns the carpet to its original condition, and the process is fast and efficient. Pre-treatments are used, emulsifiers that break down the binding of the dirt on the carpet strands, which are applied shortly before the clean. This film dissolves the grease that holds the dirt to the fibres, which is why vacuuming is not 100% effective.

This method is very popular, as it is less intrusive, much faster, and removes all allergens and odours from the carpet fibres. If one lives in WA, Perth carpet dry cleaning services can restore any carpet to its former glory.

Steam cleaning – A wet extraction system with longer drying times. The process requires a supply of hot water, a specialised machine, and detergent. It can take anything up to twenty four hours to dry. Although effective, it is very labour intensive and time consuming.

Stain removal

The law of averages dictates that sooner or later, the carpet will be stained. Wine, food, chocolate and coffee will all eventually end up deep in the carpet fibres. The natural reaction to a stain is to rub it with a cloth, yet this will only make things worse, as it forces the substance deep into the carpet pile, coating the individual fibres, which makes removal more difficult. If it is an oil-based stain, a detergent can be used. Take some strong tissue paper, liberally apply the detergent, then place it over the stain, pushing down gently with the palm of the hand. Allow a few minutes for the chemical to absorb into the carpet, which will break down the film of grime coating the carpet strands, and the tissue paper will help to extract the substance. For Perth carpet dry cleaning, an online search will locate a professional who can remove any stain without damaging the carpet.

Chemical solutions

There are stain removal products on the market that cover a range of stain substances. Hydrogen peroxide removes most food and drink stains, and the solution should be applied several times, then after a few minutes, rinsed with water. A 50-50 mixture of white vinegar and warm water will be effective on acidic stains.

Carpet care will ensure that flooring surfaces will remain clean and odour free, providing the occupants with years of reliable service.