Winter can damage your home. The cost of repair when rainwater penetrates your house seriously hurt your wallet. But so much of this damage can so easily be prevented with just a few clever hacks. It’s all about preparation and timely maintenance to avoid the weather badly beating your home. While we can’t stop the stormy season, we can help you keep your home warm, cozy and habitable all winter long.

One of the first mistakes homeowners make at this time of year is failing to secure the property. This includes all the boundary fences around your yard. Fences that blow down can cause damage or injury. They also leave your home open to a security risk. Your pets may escape and become lost. Or your neighbor may start to complain about the lack of repair. Avoid the damage in the first place with a full perimeter check. Most loose panels can simply be nailed back into place. Replace any dangerously damaged panels before the weather comes in.

Window and door seals don’t last forever. You’ll soon feel a chill if you haven’t replaced the rubber and fuzzy seals that prevent drafts. Simply place your moist hand in front of the window or door. Move it around the entire outer edge. If you can feel a cold movement of air, you have a seal that needs replacing. Thermal curtains can also cut down on that chilly feeling during a cold snap.

Your guttering may be far from your mind most of the year. But broken guttering can be the main cause of penetrative damp in your home. This damp can lead to serious structural cracks, mold spores, and damage to your decor. If the gutter is leaking or overspilling, the excess water will make your brickwork or render very wet. Clear it out or replace it for full gutter protection you can rely on this winter. Make sure clearing your gutters is part of your seasonal maintenance schedule.

A single missing or misaligned roof tile can cause a huge repair bill when water floods in from a rain storm. And if the weight of snow is added to the problem you could be in real trouble. It’s easy to check. Head up to your attic or loft space during the day and check for daylight coming through. Check from the ground to see if anything looks amiss. Call a professional roofer to assist you if you feel water may get in from your roof.

Heat in your home is so important in the winter. You could be susceptible to serious illness if your home is too cold. Now is the perfect time to check all those handy space heaters are working. Clear the dust and fluff out of them carefully. They could become a fire hazard. Make sure any chimney flues in your house are professionally swept. And get your boiler serviced before the temperature drops off too much.

Making sure your home is secure, safe, and weatherproof is something that should be done annually. As a homeowner, you must make sure your property is in good condition. What winter tasks do you do for your home?