Thinking about what you want in a new home can be a lot of fun. Furthermore, touring Folly Beach homes for sale and similar properties can help you decide on the features most important to your family. It’s exciting to finally find the home of your dreams! However, as moving day approaches, your kids may start to feel a little hesitant. Fortunately, there are things you can do to make the move a little easier on the younger members of your family.

Tip #1: Talk About What Will Happen on Moving Day

One of the most effective ways to make moving day easier for your kids is to outline what will happen. Start with letting them know when the movers will arrive at your home and (approximately) how long it will take to load the moving van. Then, make an estimate of how long it will take to travel to your new home. Of course, every family’s moving day looks different, but giving your kids a general picture of the day’s events is likely to help them relax.

Tip #2: Give Your Kids a Few Packing-Related Tasks

Making your kids feel a part of the process is another way to set their minds at ease about moving. Put one child in charge of labeling moving boxes. This can be as simple as writing the name of the room where the items will go. An older child can list some of the contents on the side of the box. Assembling boxes, crumpling newspaper to serve as filler, and taping box flaps closed are other tasks for kids. Giving your children age-appropriate tasks can help them feel included while helping you focus on other items on your to-do list.

Tip #3: Outline Reasons to Love Your New Home

Try to take some of the focus off leaving your old home by stirring up some excitement about the new one. Give your kids several reasons why you think they’re going to love the new place. Maybe after looking at several Mount Pleasant homes for sale you found one located near two swimming pools. Let the kids know how much fun they’ll have swimming with friends and family during the summer. Or point out the fabulous recreation room where the kids can play video games, watch movies, and talk with friends. You’re the expert on your kids. Be sure to highlight things you know will grab their attention.

Tip #4: Allow Your Kids to Carry a Few Comforting Items

Allow your kids to carry one or more items that will give them comfort as they make this transition. A young child may have a favorite stuffed animal or doll they sleep with at night. Let the child carry the item on the journey to the new place. Alternatively, an older child may feel more relaxed listening to music. If so, give the child some headphones so he or she can listen to some favorite tunes as you travel. Sometimes, a familiar item that offers some comfort can make all the difference to a kid during this period of change.

Tip #5: Unpack a Few Things in Your Kids’ Rooms First

When you arrive at the new place, unpack some of the items in your kids’ rooms right away. Unpacking games, puzzles, books, and other familiar items can help them start the process of settling in. In addition, unpacking a few things in your kids’ rooms can kickstart their decorating plans. Putting up posters, arranging clothing in the closet, and putting books on shelves are all positive activities that can help a child adjust to their unfamiliar environment.

Tip #6: Let Your Kids Make Some Decisions About Their Room Decor

Allowing your kids to make some choices about their bedroom décor can help raise their excitement level about moving. One child may want her room painted a different color. Another child likes the idea of having an area for watching movies and playing video games set up in one corner of his room. Ask your kids if they have any ideas about what they want to do with their bedroom décor.

Tip #7: Take Some Time to Look for Other Families in the Neighborhood

Are there any other kids living in your new neighborhood? Make a mental note of any children playing outside or parents driving by with kids in the backseat. When you’re settled into your home, go over with your child, and introduce yourself. Getting to know other kids living nearby can help your children feel better about the move.

Tip #8: Drive Around Your New Town to Give Your Kids a Tour

Taking a casual drive around your new town can help your kids adapt to the move. Show them their new school, the local recreation center, the library, and the grocery store. A beach, lake, park, or other special feature should definitely be on your tour. Getting to know the lay of the land can help your kids adjust to the move.

Tip #9: Display a Framed Photo of Your Previous Home

Choose a wonderful photo of your previous home, frame it, and display it in your new home. Having this photo on the wall can help your kids remember and focus on the good times they had there.

Tip #10: Plan a Trip Back to Your Old Neighborhood

In addition to keeping a picture of your previous home, it’s a good idea to plan a trip back to your old neighborhood so that your kids can see their friends. Having this visit planned can provide your children with some comfort knowing that they’ll get the chance to tell their friends all about their new place. Before the return visit, encourage your children to stay in touch with their old friends via text message and social media.

Doing Small Things Can Help Your Kids Adjust to a Big Transition

Giving your kids tasks to help with the move and letting them decorate their bedrooms may all seem like small gestures. However, these seemingly little gestures contribute to making your kids’ adjustment to the move a little smoother.