In summer, we often spend a lot of time in the garden. There might be barbeques, garden parties and just relaxing in the sun. You might be looking around your garden at the moment and wishing it looked a little different. Gardens can easily get a little-worn looking, and they do need to be taken care of; just like the rest of the house. Gardens often get neglected, but they should be treated like any other room in the home. With that in mind, here are some great ways that you can update your garden easily. A few changes can make the world of difference!
First of all, you might want to change the layout of the garden. You might have an uneven garden and want to make it level. You might have a pond that is no longer used, or you might want to create a focus, using a water feature. If there are some big changes that you want to make, they can still be easily changed. It might just be worth consulting with a landscaper first. You don’t want to start knocking down walls or steps in the garden to make it level if there are other ways to do it.
If you are looking to make changes, it is a good idea to be ruthless about what is in your garden. Are your borders quite large and overgrown? Are they full of plants? I’m not suggesting getting rid of all the plants in the borders, but you can afford to be more selective. A garden will look much cleaner and crisp if there are only a select amount of flowers in it. Summer is one of the best times to check on this too as most of them will be in bloom. If it looks a little overgrown, then get pulling! You can plant more later if needed but starting afresh will give your garden a new lease of life. Along the same lines, pruning trees and bushes is a quick and easy way to improve the state of things. You don’t want to just pull up a tree necessarily, so pruning is the way to go. You can shape them and ‘train’ them in the way that you want them to look.
Do you have lots of plants or shrubs in planters and containers? If you do, it might be a good idea to get rid of a few. They can overtake the garden if there are too many. On the flip side, if you don’t have any, getting a few can make such a difference. It adds a new dimension to the garden as well as a bit of color. Just don’t go crazy with the number of planters or pots.
Can you get bird feeders or a small water feature to add something new to your garden? They are such an easy way to add something new to your garden. Have you got any plans to update or improve your garden this summer? I’d love to hear what you have planned.