As we’ve said before, a safe home is a happy home. And one of the best things you can do to enhance home safety is to prepare for emergencies. Here are the things you should be preparing yourself for.

Problems from the sky

Severe weather is one of the things that a lot of people don’t usually consider in this area. But if the weather is really bad, then it can get devastating effects on your home. Perhaps the first example of home-damaging weather you would think of is heavy rain. If your roof isn’t strong enough, then heavy rain can cause some serious internal damage to your home. Water damage ain’t cheap to fix! Holes in your roof, as well as loose tiles, let unwanted water in. You might want to get your roof inspected.

Problems from the earth

Earthquakes are thought of even less than severe weather problems. Of course, there are many people in America who live in areas where earthquakes aren’t exactly rare. These earthquakes aren’t usually big enough to do any serious damage, though. But a lot of homes simply aren’t prepared to deal with heavy earthquakes. The foundations simply aren’t strong enough. You should consider getting your foundations checked and, if needed, retrofitted. This will help absorb the shakes that come your way, which will help protect the belongings in your home. Oh, and yourself, of course.

Water appliances going awry

Remember when I mentioned the expense of water damage earlier? Well, rain isn’t the only way that it could happen to your home. In fact, most water damage is the result of a plumbing problem. If you ever notice leaking, you should treat it as urgent. The problem can spread a lot faster than you think. You’ll need a plumbing service professional like Davis Plumbing & Drain to get it sorted properly. Faults electrical appliances can also present quite a threat in your home. There’s the obvious risk of electricity going where it shouldn’t be. But you also need to consider the fire risks involved. Speaking of which…


This is the home emergency that people usually think of first. It’s also the one that people fear the most, and with very good reason. You’ll probably remember a bunch of fire safety tips from way back in school. The advice seemed to boil down to “get out quickly and call 911”. Well, that advice remains the best to follow! Of course, many families don’t have a proper evacuation plan for such an event. Make sure you and your family have a basic fire evacuation plan. You all need to know what to do and where to go once you’ve left the house.

Dealing with injuries

Emergencies at home sometimes come with injuries. Of course, they’re best avoided, but sometimes they happen despite our best efforts. If things are really bad, you should obviously call for an ambulance. But that’s not always necessary. Minor bruises, cuts, bumps, and pains should still be dealt with, but this can be done at home. Make sure you have the right medical equipment in your home so you can deal with common injuries.